Saturday, March 15, 2008

When private is not private

In Java if we have a class with a private class method like so...

public class MyJavaClass {
private static void privateMethod() {
System.out.println("I am private method");

Trying to call the 'privateMethod' class method is futile.

public class Testing {
public static void main(String args[]){
MyJavaClass.privateMethod(); //This will not work!

Matter of fact you can not even compile the above class! privateMethod() has private access in MyJavaClas

If we have a similar Ruby class and call the private method there is no problem.

class MyRubyClass
def self.private_method
puts "I am a private method"

>> MyRubyClass.private_method
I am a private method
=> nil

What gives?!

As it turns out you can not simply create a class method in a private section and have it actually be private. Reading through the Ruby API I came across the solution to achieve the desired behavior. There is a method in Module called 'private_class_method' with the following signature.

mod.private_class_method(symbol, ...) => mod

Now if we slightly modify our MyRubyClass we get the results we would expect.

class MyRubyClass
def self.private_method
puts "I am a private method"
private_class_method :private_method

>> MyRubyClass.private_method
NoMethodError: private method 'private_method' called for MyRubyClass:Class
from (irb):26

*Note: Private instance methods behave as expected without any modifications.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew there had to be something. Thank you kindly...